I Young Meeting of School Theater

icono espOn March 21st and 22th , the first school theater meeting took place in Santiponce, Sevilla. Students from the High Schools Trassierra (Córdoba), Bezmiliana of Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga), Fuente Grande of Alcalá del Valle (Cádiz) e Itálica of Santiponce (Sevilla) performed the play “The Dark Area”, a fusion of four very different plays that showed the dark side of the human being linked wisely by our colleague José Luis. Trassierra High School contributed with pieces of the Erasmus+ play “The Right Decision” adapted specially for the event. A unique play for an exceptional place, the Roman Theatre of Itálica, which was given for the first time by the Santiponce City Council for an event of this kind.

Both teachers and students and families share incredible experiences. From the beginning all the participants connected and could live unforgettable moments together. The hard work of rehearsals and preparations ended with a successful performance which students of 2nd year of Trassierra High School, families and students of Itálica High School could attend.

To conclude, it only remains to thank all those who have cooperated in this project and especially our colleagues of the physical education department of Itálica High School, José Luis and Salvador, for making it come true and allowing us to be part of it.

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